Soooo, it’s been a while since I posted. I can’t really explain why, except that I write when the spirit moves me, and I guess I haven’t been moved to write anything. I’m not sure what that means, but the important thing, for me anyway, is I’m back!
I also realize one thing that moves me to write is being pissed off, and yep, I’m pissed. It’s about being a Cubs fan, and one would think I’d get over this, but I can’t. I’m a longtime Cubs fan, win or lose, love them anyway, love all the players, and in my entire life (until 2016), I didn’t hate them, even if (for the love of God!) they couldn’t win a World Series.
So, as most people know, the Cubbies FINALLY won a World Series in 2016, the first time in more than 100 years. It was one of the greatest moments of my life (excluding kids being born, grandkids, finally getting Medicare, blah, blah, blah). It really was such a great moment, and one I wasn’t sure I’d ever experience. One of the things that made it so special was the people who made it happen. There were so many incredible stars, the coach was amazing, the fans were delirious. You just can’t dream up a better scenario.
And then …. a few years later, what bonehead decision did the Cubs organization make? They got rid of nearly all the people who made that possible. Let me say again, the people who were beloved for what they had accomplished, because apparently, they weren’t winning as expected after their big year, and also (we all know what it’s really about), because they cost too much. Let me also point out, the money they were making for the people at the top was coming in because the fans who loved them were buying tickets, merchandise, and everything else that honored those beloved Cubs. Nobody at the top seemed to give a rat’s ass about the class acts they were kicking to the curb. It didn’t matter at all that they were such great role models. No one cared that several of them dreamed of retiring as a Cub. It all came down to money.
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He did this as a Yankee. |
Here's the thing I loved the most about him though. When my grandson and I would talk about life while driving in the car (those are some of my favorite moments), I told him why I was so inspired by Rizzo. I said of course, he was a brilliant and gifted ball player. That was very cool. Also he had earned a lot of money for his skills and talent. And that was all awesome, but the reason I really loved him, and the thing I wanted our kiddo to remember, was that he donated millions of dollars, again, MILLIONS OF DOLLARS, to the children’s hospital to help kids with cancer. I wanted my grandson to remember that more than anything else.
Ok, then came the Anthony Rizzo Baseball Camp, and I begged my grandson’s parents to let me take him. I mean shamelessly begged them (“I’ll take him, I’ll take him, I’ll take him, Can I take him??”). Sooo, out of the blue, they asked me if I would take him, and I thought for a while and then finally agreed I would. This didn’t really go with the rest of the post except it involved Anthony Rizzo, and they let me take him to the camp, which was so cool, so I felt it needed to be included.Moving on, I will always believe this, although some others on social media don’t seem to understand, it’s about more than winning. I want people to remember all the kids who are watching and looking for role models. I want ball players, of course to be good, but also to be class acts who maybe are inspiring kids. And I want kids to know, although lots of money is great and I don’t fault anyone who has a lot of money, but I want them to know, what they do to make the world better with their money and their time is really what matters.
Boy, did the Cubs organization blow this.